
South Hills Amateur Radio Club, Inc. will be sponsoring a Field Day for the year of 2025, on Saturday, June 28th, from 1PM to 10PM (Park closing time). It will be held at the Lafayette Pavillion in Fairview Park, South Fayette Township.
Members and friends will be meeting at the pavillion at park opening time (8:00AM) to chat and have breakfast prepared by Danielle, KC3ZQT and daughter.
We will have (2) HF stations and (1) 2m/440 station set up for operation. We will be category 3A WPA and we have a beautiful new club QSL card to exchange.
Food and refreshements will be available. The restrooms are located directly across from the Pavillion.
This event is open to the public. Come and learn about Amateur Radio!
If you would like to help out and/or operate at our Field Day 2025 event, please drop us a line via e-mail at:
Email: KS3R@sharc.net
We would love to have you join us!
To view the map for Lafayete Pavillion in Fairview Park, click [HERE]
More information to come!